Do you want to generate leisure activities in your community? An outdoor event, a rally papper, a gym sessions, a cycle-tourism or other tours. This is the tool, see how!

Do you want to generate leisure activities in your community? An outdoor event, a rally papper, a gym sessions, a cycle-tourism or other tours. This is the tool, see how!

There is always so much potential in communities (physical and human) that we only need a small trigger to implement them. Cultural, artistic or sporting activities only need an energiger and a facilitator for communication.


The energizer is you and the facilitator is Livingroop!


If you have the infrastructures at your disposal, then with Livingroop Social Network take advantage of its editorial features. The database to communicate with your community is there and you can use tools like "Special Blocks" * and "Events" * that add functionalities to a strategic stimulator of cultural, artistic or sports events which will be recognized as bridges of satisfaction, residential well-being and collective pride.


* The “Special Block” is a functionality of the platform that allows the autonomous editorial communication of an equipment or an infrastruture. The "Event” is a feature that allows you to list actions and activities, internal and external, in a standard way with the basis os "what", "how" "when", "during" and "where".



Create your Condominium WEB platform with Livingroop.

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